2014 NSS Roadmap to Space Settlement Student Art Contest: Domed Lunar Settlement

Gallery for NSS Roadmap to Space Settlement Student Art Contest 2014

2014 student art contest kamath m13 01 650

* All art on these pages is copyrighted by the individual artists and may not be used without the artist’s specific permission.

Domed Lunar Settlement

by Hrishikesh Kamath
10th Grade, Bangalore, India

Illustrating Roadmap Milestone 13

Description: The artwork depicts a permanent lunar settlement which would provide a technological, social and economic infrastructure for about 700 permanent population and a transit population of about 50 inside the habitat and about 20 outside the habitat in the modules. The settlement is dome shaped built about 100m underground. It has a radius of about 700 m and is 1,000 m in length. The settlement features residential, entertainment, commercial and education infrastructure. The settlement is located near the Shackleton Crater due to its extensive advantages.

Medium/Tools Used: The model was designed using Autodesk Maya 2014 and the image was given finishing touches using Google Picasa.