Joe B. Redfield
Treasurer, National Space Society
National Space Society Board of Directors
Joe Redfield, Treasurer of the National Space Society, has been a member of the National Space Society (NSS) Executive Committee since 1993. During this time, he has supported the Society in its financial management and tracking activities. He has managed the transition of the NSS financial data to several new financial tracking software systems and was the main architect of the existing Quickbooks financial data tracking system.
Mr. Redfield has served four terms on the NSS Board of Directors (BOD) and is currently chair of the NSS Budget Committee and the NSS Investment Committee. He is also a member of the NSS Membership Committee.
As a Chapter leader, he has continuously supported the San Antonio Space Society in its activities, along with his family, since joining the NSS in 1990. He was the treasurer of the highly successful NSS 1991 International Space Development Conference that the Chapter hosted in San Antonio.
Mr. Redfield received his Bachelor’s and Masters Degrees in Electrical Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin. Since 1983, he has been a part of the engineering staff at Southwest Research Institute, an applied research and development firm in San Antonio. In this position, he has developed a number training systems for the aerospace community. Most recently, he led a team developing an air traffic control trainer for the US Air Force. He currently leads a team of engineers in the Fuel Cell Systems Group developing a wide range of applications for fuel cells. He is a Registered Professional Engineer in the state of Texas.
Joe Redfield shares, with the other leaders of NSS, the vision of what’s possible for humanity in the development of space. He vigorously supports the NSS Vision: “People living and working in communities beyond the Earth.”
He particularly shares with others the view of what can be provided for humanity here on Earth out of the technology that is being and will be created from our adventure in moving large numbers of people into space.