NSS Space Settlement 2008 Calendar Art Contest Judges

To determine the winning entries in the National Space Society’s Space Settlement Art Contest, we have selected a mix of internationally renowned space artists and space activists. The five judges that have been chosen to serve are:
David A. Hardy Space Artist and Author Fellow, International Association of Astronomical Artists Sir Arthur Clarke Award Winner https://www.astroart.org/ Peter Kokh President, Moon Society Editor, Moon Miners Manifesto Jim Plaxco Chair, NSS Space Settlement Calendar Committee www.marsartgallery.com and www.artsnova.com Pat Rawlings Space Artist Art Director, Science Applications International Corp. Fellow, International Association of Astronomical Artists www.patrawlings.com George Whitesides Executive Director, National Space Society
For information about the judging process see Judging Guidelines for Submitted Artwork.   MENU for NSS 2008 Space Settlement Art Contest: Home Page (General Info and Prizes)Submission RequirementsTerms and ConditionsJudgesJudging GuidelinesResource Information for ArtistsGallery of Submitted Art

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