Internet Space Sites Worksheet1. Go to the NASAs homepage. What does NASA stand for? What types of programs do they conduct?2. Go to the Space Science Institute. Who is Gerard O'Neill? Why does he believe space exploration is important? What is a mass driver?3. From SSI, link to their slides. Which slides are useful to refer back to when designing a colony?4. Go to Purdue. Describe the 5 areas of research they are conducting. Draw a diagram of a CELSS and explain how it works.5. Go to the First Millennial Foundation. Explain what it is.6. Go to the Canadian Astronaut Program. What is an astronaut? What types of specialties to they train?7. Go to the Students for the Exploration and Development of Space. Who are they? Why do they think that space exploration important?8. Go to the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs. What issues concern them?9. Go to the Space Frontier Foundation. Read their manifesto and summarize their purpose.10. Go to the Space Explorer=B9s Guide. Visit a country and describe what you find there.11. Go to the Space Station homepage. Explore the links and describe what this is about.12. Go to Space Colony Art. Examine all of the links, and summarize thevarious design models.13. In whatever time you have left, visit links not cited here. On the backof this sheet, tell which link and the type(s) of information available onthis site.