Gallery for NSS Space Settlement Art Contest

* All art on these pages is copyrighted by the individual artists and may not be used without the artist’s specific permission. (Restricted use)
A Postcard from Mars - Economics
by Phil Batchelor
Category: Orbital Settlements
Description: Dear Brian and Nancy: I know you are thinking of immigrating as well, so maybe this will persuade you. 1500 DISONs (Digitally Inscribed Standard Orbital Notes) is a lot cheaper than the Earth-Mars-Earth fare. I think the return-to-orbit fares are discounted to encourage people to return to orbit, and save Earth resources. The 800m wide plasma billboards (electricity is cheap up here) will also make you feel right at home, Brian. (After all, you are from LA!). Bye for now, Ed (and Hilary).
Medium/Tools Used: This is a functioning virtual environment created using free and open-source tools and materials. I used Anim8tor for 3D modeling work. The model is animated and rendered in the Celestia Space Simulator from which images are taken. No post-processing aside from layout/cropping. Some props are used courtesy of and Some textures are derived from a aerial photography of the City of Davis, CA…and I stole a logo from the website :-).