Mining Settlement on 90 Antiope Space Art

Gallery for NSS Space Settlement Art Contest

Space Settlement Art Contest Myers Mining Settlement 90 Antiope

* All art on these pages is copyrighted by the individual artists and may not be used without the artist’s specific permission.

Mining Settlement on 90 Antiope

by Walter Myers
Category: Asteroid Settlements
Winning entry, appeared in 2008 Calendar

Description: This image is a bird’s eye view of a mining settlement on the double asteroid 90 Antiope, located in the main belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. These two asteroids are about the same size—110 km across—and orbit around a common center like two ends of a barbell. The gap separating the two bodies is only about 60 km.

Medium/Tools Used: The primary rendering application was DAZ Bryce 6, and Bryce was also used to create some of the models as well. Poser 6 was employed to create some props, and 3DS Max 8 was used to render the sister asteroid. PhotoShop CS2 and Paint Shop Pro 7 were used to create textures and for post-rendering tweaks.

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