Terms and Conditions
The primary purpose of the Roadmap to Space Art Contest is to inspire the next generation of space-faring citizens to envision their future living, working, and playing in space, and also to encourage the creation of space art that can be used by the SmallSat Education Conference, SpacEdge Education, and NSS for the limited use of promoting its non-profit objective of creating a spacefaring civilization.
Such use could include social media, brochures, websites, and other promotional material associated with the SmallSat Education Conference, NSS, Ad Astra magazine, International Space Development Conference, and SpacEdge Education. We believe this use is for the benefit of the future of humanity and we hope and trust that this is a cause and use that artists would support.

By clicking the “Submit” button on our Submission Form and submitting your art to the Roadmap to Space Art Contest, you hereby grant the SmallSat Education Conference, SpacEdge Education, the National Space Society and its Chapters a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty free, perpetual license to:
- Reproduce said art and associated textual description (in whole or in part) in print, electronic, and other media to promote the goals of the SmallSat Education Conference, SpacEdge Education, and the National Space Society.
- Modify and/or crop for sizing, transmission, or distribution of your submission without prior or additional consent.
- Use the artists’ name, likeness and biographical information in connection with the art being submitted.
You also agree that without prior or additional consent:
- Submitted images will be displayed on the SmallSat Education Conference website, an NSS website Contest Art Gallery, and SpacEdge Education in association with the Roadmap to Space Art Contest.
- Submitted images may be used in articles in association with the SmallSat Education Conference, SpacEdge Education, Ad Astra magazine and other membership publications in connection with the Roadmap to Space Art Contest.
- Submitted images may be used elsewhere in association with reporting of the Roadmap to Space Art Contest or publicity for or about the Roadmap to Space Art Contest.
- SmallSat Education Conference, SpacEdge Education, and NSS may also use the submitted art in other promotional and advertising material in support of its non-profit objective of creating a spacefaring civilization. Such use includes the NSS website, the NSS magazine Ad Astra, and possible brochures and other promotional materials.

The SmallSat Education Conference, SpacEdge Eductation and National Space Society stipulates that:
- Copyright is retained by the artist and the use of such art by the SmallSat Education Conference, SpacEdge Education, and the National Space Society and its chapters is limited or restricted to those described in these terms and conditions and that these entities may not grant use of the art to third parties.
You also agree that:
- The Roadmap to Space Art Contest reserves the right to reject any submission without showing cause (in which case, neither SmallSat Education Conference, SpacEdge Education, and the National Space Society nor its chapters may use that submission for any purpose without the specific separate permission of the artist).
- Prizes will only be awarded at the Grand, First Prize, and Honorable Mention levels if qualified entries are judged as meeting the standards for artwork of that award level. It may be that the quality of artwork received in any given year does not meet judging standards for a particular award level and as such, no prize in that category would be awarded that year.
- If a co-sponsor later offers a prize in this contest, The SmallSat Education Conference, SpacEdge Education, and The National Space Society will not be held liable if that co-sponsor fails to deliver that prize.
- The SmallSat Education Conference, SpacEdge Education, and National Space Society reserve the right to extend the contest submission deadline.
- This Agreement may not be amended except by written agreement between the parties.

Further, you also warrant that:
- The art being submitted is original art created in whole and part by you and does not violate any copyrights.
- The art being submitted is not subject to any third party intellectual property rights.
- Artwork submitted in whole or in part is not created using generative artificial intelligence.
- If an image is one of the winners of the contest and the medium used to create the artwork was not electronic, the artist may be required to send the original piece of art to the Contest for public display. Exceptions will be granted if this poses a hardship.
- At the time of submission into this contest, the parents/guardian of students under the age of 18: (1) have read these terms and conditions; (2) give their permission to the person entering this contest that they can enter the contest; (3) give approval to all terms and conditions stated above and will further provide in writing a statement of such approval and permission if requested by the Contest sponsors at a future date. [Note to teachers: You must have signed permissions from parents/guardians of entrants under the age of 18 if you are sponsoring the student entry. Do not send the Contest these permissions unless the Contest requests them.]
If you have any questions regarding the contest, please email the NSS SpacEdge Contest Coordinator.