Join Our Political Action Network

The NSS Political Action Network works to advance the cause of space exploration, development, and settlement via legislative education. NSS is nonpartisan and does not endorse parties or candidates, rather we does work to educate legislators on space issues. The NSS PAN operates in a variety of ways, including:
- Phone/email/text alerts relative to legislative issues
- Participating in alliances such the the Alliance for Space Development (ASD) and the Space Exploration Alliance (SEA)
- Sponsoring legislative events such as March Storm (jointly with the Space Frontier Foundation and ASD) and the August Home District Blitz (jointly with the Space Frontier Foundation and ASD). The picture above shows the 2017 March Storm volunteers in front of the Capitol Building.
- Weekly conference calls to tactically organize volunteer activists
If you are not an NSS member, you join the PAN when you sign up using the Join NSS form. If you are already an NSS member, you can join the PAN by filling out the Political Action Network Signup Form or by renewing your membership using the Renewal form. To find out more about NSS legislative action, read position papers, and more, go to NSS Legislative and Grassroots Action Center. March Storm and the August Home District blitz are open to the entire space interested public that supports the objectives of the Alliance for Space Development, namely:
- Reducing the cost of access to space.
- Stimulating and accelerating the growth of space industries.
- Making the development and settlement of space a clearly defined part of why we are sending humans into space.
Examples of Prior Legislative Alerts:
- Save the Near-Earth Object Camera (NEOCAM) (August 2018) [PDF]
- Request for August Blitz participation in Key States (August 2018) [PDF]
- Confirm Bridenstine as NASA Administrator (expired April 19, 2018)
- Support for Commercial Crew (expired June 5, 2014) [PDF]
- Support for NASA budget (expired March 20, 2012) [PDF]
- Law of the Sea Treaty endangers space property rights (March 2009)
- Against blocking any humans to Mars funding (September 2007)
- Space Exploration Act of 2002 (May 2002)