Submission and Prizes
The SmallSat Education Conference in collaboration with the National Space Society’s (NSS) SpacEdge Education Program is looking for student artists to create ORIGINAL illustrations to share their visions of… Our Future in the Space Workforce.
- See Submission Requirements.
- See Terms and Conditions.
- Paid the $6 contest entry fee. In the case of hardship, the submission fee can be waived. Please use this form to request a fee waiver. Submission for a fee waiver must be received by October 1.
- Original artwork may be created digitally or with traditional media (such as sketch, paint, watercolor, ink, etc). Art using traditional media must be scanned or otherwise converted to digital form for submission.
- Art created using generative artificial intelligence is NOT permitted.
What we envision today becomes reality tomorrow. The art for this contest must provide a realistic depiction of humanity’s future in space. Realistic means as accurate as possible both in science and engineering.
Please note that we are not looking for abstract, impressionistic, surrealist, fantasy, or science fiction art, and any such submissions will not be accepted into the contest.

One piece of art will be awarded the Grand Prize for being the best artwork overall.
Up to 12 (twelve) entries will be selected as First Prize recipients, up to three (3) per grade level category. These include grades 5-8 (ages 10-13), 9-12 (ages 14-18), undergraduate (ages 19-22), and graduate (ages 23-25).
Prizes will only be awarded at the Grand and First Prize levels if qualified entries are judged as meeting the standards for artwork of that award level. It may be that the quality of artwork received in any given year does not meet judging standards as stated per the Judging Guidelines for a particular award level and as such, no prize in that category would be awarded that year.
Other additional pieces of art may be selected for Honorable Mention.
All accepted entries will receive certificates of participation.
All winning entries will:
- Receive an award certificate of merit.
- Be displayed and viewed by the public and space professionals from around the world at the 2024 SmallSat Education Conference to be held October 26th and 27th, and may be displayed at the 2025 NSS International Space Development Conference to be held in Orlando June 19-22, 2025, and at other possible venues throughout the year.
- Be featured on the SmallSat Education Conference website.
- Be honored on the NSS website “Winners Gallery” for this contest.
- Have their artwork considered for possible publication in the various forms of web, banners, posters, brochures, and/or other NSS and SmallSat Education Conference publications or social media.
- More prizes may be added to this list during the contest.
Grand Prize Winner Award includes:
- Having their artwork printed as 5 postcards and flown into space aboard a Blue Origins rocket. These postcards will be addressed to the winner and 4 others of the winner’s choosing. After flight, these postcards will be stamped for authenticity of flight and sent via US Postal mail to the addressees.
- Cash prize to be determined.
- Publication of artwork as part of an article in the National Space Society’s award-winning magazine, Ad Astra.
- 1 year student membership in the National Space Society, including an online subscription to the award-winning Ad Astra magazine.
- 5 complimentary copies of the Ad Astra magazine the artwork is featured in.
Each First Prize Winner Award Include:
- Having their artwork printed as a postcard and flown into space aboard a Blue Origins rocket. The postcard will be addressed to the winner. After flight, the postcard will be stamped for authenticity of flight and sent via US Postal mail to the winner.
- 1 year student membership in the National Space Society, including an online subscription to the award-winning Ad Astra magazine.
Any Honorable Mention Award Includes:
- Having their artwork printed as a postcard and flown into space aboard a Blue Origins rocket. The postcard will be addressed to the winner. After flight, the postcard will be stamped for authenticity of flight and sent via US Postal mail to the winner.
If you have any questions regarding the contest, please email the NSS SpacEdge Contest Coordinator.